
Who Owns Google?

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Who owns google? This is one question many people around the world have no answer for.

The internet is a universe of intertwined networks containing important informations. However, due to the vast nature of the internet, computer users sometimes find it hard to navigate this virtual universe. This is where google comes in.


Who own google

For decades, google has been that virtual go-to assistant that has all the answers you need. from instructions to interpetations and all other forms of information avaikable on the internet, google has the answer.

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Who Owns Google?

Google was created in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. However, the search engine has since changed ownership, and is currently owned by Alphabet Inc which is still owned by Sergey and Larry.

So to answer the question who owns google, well its Alphabet Inc. but then Alphabet Inc is owned by the founding fathers of google, so at the end of the day, you can still say Larry Page and Sergey Brin own Google.

Larry Page served as the CEO of Alphabet Inc. until 2019 when he stepped down. He is currently one of the richest man on earth with an estimated networth of over $60 billion.

Who own google
Image Credit: Nairametrics

Sergey Brin on the other hand is a graduate of the University of Maryland in the US. Sergey later joined STamford University’s graduate program, and thats where he met Larry Page who became his partner in creating google. While Larry page served as CEO of Alphabet inc, Sergey Brin served as the president of the organization. According to Forbes, Sergey’s networth is estimated to be over $60 billion as well.

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