Everything starts from the mind. Your feelings, your actions, your whole being. What you think is how you feel and is what you do.
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha
It starts from your thoughts, it determines how you feel, it determines what you do. If we are angry, it’s because we thought of things that triggered the anger, we allow the feeling of anger to manifest into what we do with the anger.
“A person’s mind is so powerful. We can invent, create, experience, and destroy things with thoughts alone.” Anonymous
For instance, if someone shouts at you, you start to think “why did he shout at me? Does he think he has the right to do so?” Thinking like this makes you even more angry but if you are shouted out and you think “he’s probably having a bad day, that’s why he’s angry”, you have killed the anger in you.
There were no bad thoughts to fuel your anger. If you are angry and you keep thinking about the thing that made you angry, the anger will be there for a long time but if you switch your thoughts to something happy or neutral, the anger automatically goes away.
The secret behind the power of the mind is your thoughts. We tend to allow our minds to take the lead when we should be in control. Most times, we hurt ourselves by thinking of things that hurt us and bring us down not knowing that there are ways to get rid of that hurt.
Letting your mind wander, letting it stray to things that hurt is you bowing down to the mind. The secret to it’s power is in your grasp.
Some people are scared of what other people think of them. Always asking “what if they laugh at me?” If those people actually stop to think “so what if they laugh at me?”, their lives would be much better. We have the power to shape our lives but most of us choose to let our minds wander around doing what it sees fit with us.
When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.” Swami Satchidananda
We wield the ultimate power over our minds, do not limit yourself by letting your mind be in control. You should be in control, shape your life the way you want.
“Our life is the creation of our minds” – Buddha