Don’t Give Them Fish Instead Teach Them How To Fish

sound familiar? Well it should, you must have heard it from a friend or you
yourself must have said it to someone. There’s a saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.
really has nothing to do with fishes, the fishes there are symbolic. When
someone uses this saying, the person is basically saying that instead of giving
me money, teach me how to make money.
borrow some. Your friend gives you the money and you move on with your life.
You need money again, you go to the same friend and the friend gives you money,
if you keep doing and that friend keeps giving you money then something is
you down and asked how he could provide a long-lasting if not permanent
solution to your problem. A true friend will always want his friends to
succeed, he wouldn’t keep a legit money-making business from you. Any friend
that wants you to keep begging and asking does not care about you in any way
to that friend that keeps asking, I can assure you that neither of you will move
forward in life. Don’t be selfish and keep a source of income to yourself when
you know it could be profitable for you and your friend because you never know,
that friend might turn out to be useful to you.