Pastor predict untimely assassination of Nigeria Music superstars

Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi who is the general oversea of God’s Crown Chapel, in Ghana, strangely predicted a possible assassination of Nigeria music stars, such as P-square, a gang that consist two twin brothers, with another noticeable name DJ Spinall and DJ Perez.
According to him, “And I asked God what is this? And God said there is an attack coming after the music industry in Nigeria.
“And I saw some popular people that were being assassinated in the music industry of the Nigerians.
“With all due respect as the voice of God and the mouth-piece of the lord, this message needs to be carried to them and they have to be fortified in their prayer.
“In the music industry of Nigeria, there’s a wind that is blowing demonically entering into the music industry.
“Some of them are the bread-winners of their families, some of them will one day become transformers of peoples’ lives and we have to pray and preserve their lives.
“I saw a list, to be honest with you, I saw a list, on the list I saw, I cannot mention all the names but I’m urging them to pray as a prophet of God with the eyes of an eagle that travels.
“I saw a clear vision. If there’s any person called DJ Perez, DJ Spinal, DJ Blaze and others I pray for their lives. I pray for their destinies. The PSquares and whatever. I don’t know their names but I’m standing as a voice.”