Manchester United has made changes to their stadium ‘Old Trafford’, so as to allow it hold 23,500 fans in a safe, socially distanced setting.

The government of the United Kingdom had previously made plans to allow football fans to gradually return to stadiums but had to scrap those plans after an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in the country.
According to United’s Chief Operating Officer Collete Roche “We received government guidelines, I’m convinced that we would be able to accommodate fans safely.”
“It’s quite bemusing to understand why people can gather in other settings such as on an aeroplane or in a restaurant, or even in a cinema to watch football, when we know we’ve got the plans and the process is ready to deliver a match day here safely.”
“We spent around two months working with the government guidelines to develop the right processes and measures to make sure that we can have around 23,500 people in this stadium safely social distancing.”
From June 30th till date, United has recorded a £70M revenue loss due to Coronavirus
Collete Roche added that United has plans to manage the arrival of fans into the stadium and also conduct temperature checks to reduce risks of infection.
Since the restart of football last summer, EPL matches have been viewed for free on subscription channels, even though an additional £14.95 fee was included on some selected fixtures.