Take A Break

honest with each other, some of us don’t realize that we need breaks.
do we know we need breaks?
schedule, that’s if you are someone that has a schedule.
start joggling whatever you are doing. You don’t follow the plan. You just do
it as it comes. This makes you overwhelmed because they just keep coming. Along
the line, you’ll get frustrated with everything. Everything feels like it’s
throwing itself at you.
those weird finding yourself thing and backpacking all around the world for year.
or week or month. Just stop for a minute and look beyond that thing that seems
to be clouding your thought. It could be anything.
At this point I would mention some things like academics, work maybe family
life, vacations and that sort of thing but these things have times you can take
a break. You can’t say you want to take a break a week to the exam or you want
to leave the office when you are not on leave.
like these, you could slow things down. Work at a sensible pace at least up on
till the time you are allowed to take a break. Then just lay down and relax.